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Only a Mother-to-be would….

Only a mother-to-be would:

Eat highly nutritious but insipid foods EVEN THOUGH she is craving for Fast food.

Listen to hours of preaching advice from her relatives about her pregnancy EVEN THOUGH she knows most of them are old wives tales.

Opt for warm shower EVEN THOUGH she is dying to soak is a really hot bath tub.

Consume high amounts of supplements and prenatal pills EVEN THOUGH it is upsetting her stomach.

Exercise for 30 mins everyday EVEN THOUGH she feels too tired.

Read baby books EVEN THOUGH she would prefer reading latest novels.

Wear huge maternity clothes EVEN THOUGH they are not her usual style.

Spend hours on internet trying to find a perfect name for her baby EVEN THOUGH she knows that she is bound to run into an acquaintance with same name one day.

Listen to her friend’s bad baby experiences and EVEN THOUGH they sound horrible, be ready to experience the same thing.

Be satisfied with her weight EVEN THOUGH she feels she almost weights more than a hippo.

Roam hours in a mall to find best baby clothes and baby stuff EVEN THOUGH knows walking for longer span of time will make her legs ache.

Listen to soothing Vedic chants EVEN THOUGH she would prefer hearing latest Bollywood hits.

Take numerous child education classes EVEN THOUGH she knows most of the information.

Order expensive baby furniture EVEN THOUGH she knows they are only needed for a few months.

Get ready to stay with her in-laws for 6 months after delivery EVEN THOUGH she loves them but thinks 6 months period is rather long to live with them.

Google every little pain or discomfort she experiences EVEN THOUGH she knows such pains are a part of pregnancy.

Scan list of ingredients in every food item she buys in grocery store to make sure it is really beneficial EVEN THOUGH not all foods are harmful.

Take numerous blood tests to check baby’s wellbeing EVEN THOUGH she has a phobia of needles.

Think of Not opting for epidural EVEN THOUGH she knows that the pains might be excruciating.

Be happy and cheerful during pregnancy EVEN THOUGH she is suffering various maladies from acute backpains, swollen legs, chestpains, etc.

Watch her friends eat her favorite MSG laden Chinese foods and be OK EVEN THOUGH she is craving it badly.

Endure months of sleepless nights and feel alright EVEN THOUGH she knows this is going to continue for months.

Learn new lingo of pregnancy talk like OT, DS, DD, DH, TTC, etc. EVEN THOUGH it sounds silly.

Stop watching all the horror movies EVEN THOUGH watching once in a while won’t affect the baby.

Religiously record all the baby firsts- The first time he kicked, in a baby journal EVEN THOUGH she is never going to forget them.

Research for months and read reviews to find best brands of baby stuff as bottles, pacifiers, cradles, etc. EVEN THOUGH most of them seem good.

Forgetting something and trying to remember it for hours EVEN THOUGH you think pregnancy brains is just a myth.

These are just a few which were on the top of my mind, any more suggestions?

Hello world!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blog….Motherhood Chronicles!

My name is Rhea and i am 9 months pregnant now, eagerly awaiting my baby’s arrival.It is going to be a roller coaster ride but i guess i will come to love it eventually!

Join me as i embark on my future motherhood adventures!